Saturday 16 August 2008

Scientists To Assess Beijing Olympics Air Pollution Control Efforts

�As the Summer Olympics in Beijing kicks cancelled this hebdomad, the outcome is giving scientists a once-in-a-lifetime chance to keep how the atmosphere responds when a heavily populated region considerably curbs everyday industrial emissions.

The National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded "Cheju ABC Plume-Monsoon Experiment" (CAPMEX) will admit a serial publication of flights by specially equipped unmanned aircraft known as independent unmanned forward pass vehicles (AUAVs).

The aerial vehicles were developed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in La Jolla, Calif. Instruments on the aircraft can measure smog and its effects on meteorological conditions.

Data-gathering flights will originate at the South Korean island of Cheju, located around 1,165 kilometers (725 miles) sE of Beijing. Cheju is in the projected path of befoulment plumes that begin in various cities in China, including the capital.

Information from the flights will be combined with measurements by satellites and observatories on the ground that will cartroad dust, soot and early pollution aerosols that move from Beijing and other parts of China in so-called atmospherical brown clouds.

The instruments will observe pollution raptus patterns as Beijing enacts its "outstanding shutdown" for the Summer Olympic Games. Chinese officials have reduced industrial activity by as much as 30 pct and mandated cuts in automobile use by half, to safe-conduct the health of competing athletes immediately before and during the games.

"Thanks to the concern of Olympic organizers, the Chinese government, and the cooperation of the Korean administration, we get a vast and unprecedented opportunity to observe a large simplification in workaday emissions from a region that's identical industrially active," said atmospherical scientist V. Ramanathan of SIO, the lead researcher of CAPMEX.

"CAPMEX will be the very first UAV campaign in east Asia for air pollution and cloud interaction studies," added CAPMEX field cause co-lead investigator Soon-Chang Yoon, a researcher at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Seoul National University in Korea. "This will be a very interesting experiment that can ne'er happen once more."

"Ramanathan's originally research on atmospheric brown University clouds demonstrated their importance in the polluted regions of the atmosphere," aforesaid Jay Fein, NSF course of study director for climate kinetics. "CAPMEX takes this make an crucial step fore with unexampled micro- and nano-sensor technologies. These technologies will provide new estimates of solar irradiance, aerosol-cloud interactions, mood forcing and important components of the biogeochemical cycles of the East Asian and western Pacific Ocean region."

Satellite and undercoat observations began on August 1. Pre-inspection test flights are scheduled to begin August 9, with the field effort expected to run through September 30.

"Black carbon in carbon black is a major subscriber to world-wide warming," aforesaid Ramanathan. "By determining the effects of soot reductions during the Olympics on atmospheric heating, we lav gain much needed insights into the magnitude of future spheric warming."

Ramanathan's team has revolutionized the gathering of atmospheric information through the use of AUAVs that enable researchers to signifier dimensional profiles of clouds and other atmospheric multitude at relatively low toll.

In previous studies, meteorologic data gathered by the aircraft helped demonstrate that atmospheric brown clouds can diminish the solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface, warm the atmosphere at low altitudes and disrupt cloud formation.

With CAPMEX, scientists promise to ameliorate their ability to deliver such assessments of particulate matter pollution personal effects more quickly and enhance their value as a policymaking tool.

Miniaturized instruments on the aircraft measuring stick a ambit of properties such as the quantity of lampblack and size of the aerosols upon which defile droplets form. The instruments also book variables such as temperature, humidity and the intensity of sunshine that permeates clouds and masses of smog.

For CAPMEX, photonics instruments will be added to the aircrafts' payloads to help calculate the specific contributions of various aerosols to atmospheric heating.

Other new instruments such as auto-leveling platforms will enable researchers to meliorate estimates of how practically dimming of sunlight takes place at the ocean surface because of contamination aerosols in the atmosphere.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an sovereign federal federal agency that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering, with an annual budget of $6.06 billion. NSF funds hand all 50 states through grants to over 1,900 universities and institutions. Each class, NSF receives about 45,000 competitive requests for funding, and makes over 11,D new funding awards. NSF also awards over $400 million in professional and service contracts yearly.

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